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Navigating Dog Parenthood: Answers to Common Dog Parent Questions

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting to become a dog dad or mom, you probably have some questions. Don't worry; we’re here to help! Let's dive into some of the most frequently asked questions and shed some light on how to be the best dog parent possible.

How can I house-train my dog? 

Potty training. It's a rite of passage for both dogs and humans. The key here is consistency and patience. Set a regular bathroom schedule for your pup and take them outside often, especially after meals and playtime. Positive reinforcement, like treats and praise, works wonders. And remember, accidents happen – it's all part of the learning curve.


I don’t have the time and/or space to bathe my dog regularly – what do I do?

We hear you loud and clear! Life can get busy, and that's where Scenthound steps in. Our Basic Hygiene service has everything your pup needs – from baths and ear cleanings to teeth brushing and nail clipping. We've got your routine hygiene care covered so you can focus on cuddles and playtime.


How do I manage my dog’s behavior problems?

Barking, chewing, jumping – it's like a never-ending cycle sometimes. Start by figuring out what's triggering the behavior and tackle it head-on. Positive reinforcement techniques work wonders, like clicker training and rewarding good behavior. And don't hesitate to reach out to a professional trainer or behaviorist for extra guidance and support.


How can I keep my dog healthy and active?

Healthy dog, happy life! Regular exercise and a balanced diet are the keys here. Make sure your pup gets daily walks, play sessions, and mental stimulation. Opt for high-quality food and treats to keep them in tip-top shape. And don't skip those vet check-ups – they're crucial for catching any health issues early on.


Every dog is unique, so tailor your approach to suit your furry friend's needs. By addressing these common questions and seeking guidance when needed, you'll be a pro in no time. With patience, love, and a willingness to learn, you'll build a strong bond that lasts a lifetime. Ready to get your pup on the path to wellness? Find a Scenthound Scenter near you!