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Navigating Seasonal Shedding in Dogs

If you've ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of fur during certain times of the year, rest assured, you're not alone! Shedding is a phenomenon that occurs as the weather transitions, with the arrival of spring, dogs shed their winter coats to stay cool, while in fall, they bulk up with thicker fur to brave the chilly days. So what can you do to fix the problem? Keep reading to learn more about seasonal shedding and ways to make life easier for both you and your dog.  

Factors Influencing Shedding

There are several factors that can exacerbate your dog’s shedding or alter the timing that shedding occurs. Factors like:

Breed Variations: Certain breeds, such as Huskies and Shepherds, are notorious for their shedding tendencies, especially during seasonal transitions.

Hormonal Fluctuations: Changes in daylight duration and temperature can influence your dog's hormones, impacting their shedding patterns.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Dynamics: Dogs spending more time indoors may shed less compared to their outdoor counterparts.

Effective Strategies for Shedding Management

Seasonal shedding may appear to be an endless battle but there are quite a few strategies you can implement to help control your pup’s shedding and keep the hair at bay.

Regular Brushing: Keeping up with your regular brushing routine is very important during peak shedding seasons. Consistent brushing aids in removing loose fur and prevents matting, keeping your pup’s coat looking great and cutting down on some of the fur around your house.

Bathing: Keep your dog clean with consistent bathing using a dog-safe shampoo. This helps eliminate dead hair, maintains coat health, and keeps them clean and smelling fresh. However, avoid excessive bathing, as it may strip natural oils and exacerbate shedding.

Specialized Treatments: If your dog sheds a lot, consider incorporating a specialized treatment like our Shedding Treatment into their monthly care appointment. This can help remove loose hair before it ends up all over your home while helping your dog be healthier and more comfortable.

Nutritious Diet: Opt for a balanced diet to promote a lustrous coat! Quality nutrition is fundamental to your pet's overall well-being and fur health. Pro Tip! Use our 24/7 Virtual Vet* inside of the Scenthound App to get customized recommendations for your pup’s diet!

Vet Checkups: Regular veterinary visits are crucial for maintaining optimal health from teeth to tail, including coat care!

Stress Alleviation: Keep an eye on your pup's stress levels, as heightened stress can exacerbate shedding. Engage in plenty of playtime and cuddles to keep them relaxed and their coat looking their best.


Professional Routine Care

You aren’t alone when it comes to dealing with your pup’s shedding! Scenthound makes your dog’s routine hygiene care a breeze with our wellness-focused services all about keeping your dog clean and healthy. Find a Scenter near you and get your dog on the path the wellness!

*The Virtual Vet Feature is available to Escentials Plus and Unlimited Plus Care Club Members.