How to Find the Perfect Brush for Your Dog's Coat

Whether your dog has a short, medium, or long coat, it requires care, starting with a good brushing routine. So, what kind of brush should you use on your pup? Let's find out!

Dogs come in all shapes, sizes, fur styles, and coats. Here's a quick rundown of the most common coat types and the brushes that work wonders for each:


Short Coat: Think sleek and shiny, like our Boxer and Beagle buddies. For these short-coated cuties, a bristle brush or a mitt is your go-to. Bristle brushes keep fur looking great, while mitts provide a relaxing massage and tackle any dirt or debris.


Medium Coat: Picture those fluffy Golden Retrievers or Cocker Spaniels – not too short or long. A slicker or combo brush with bristles and pins is perfect for these medium-coated pals. Both will keep things smooth and tidy.


Long Coat: Hello, flowy locks! Breeds like Afghan Hounds or Maltese rock that luxurious, long fur. Reach for a pin brush or a de-matting rake to keep it looking fabulous. Pin brushes are gentle yet effective while de-matting rakes work wonders on those pesky knots and mats.

Now that you know your dog's coat type, let's talk about what to look for in a brush:


Size and Comfort: Your comfort matters, too! Choose a brush with a comfortable grip that you and your pup love using.


Quality and Durability: Invest in a high-quality brush that can handle regular use without falling apart. Cheaper brushes seem tempting, but they won't last as long.


Special Needs: Does your dog have sensitive skin or a matting tendency? Look for brushes designed to address these specific needs, like softer bristles for sensitive skin or detangling tools for mat-prone breeds.


Finding the perfect brush for your dog's coat is all about understanding their needs and picking the right tools. With the right brush and regular grooming sessions, your best friend will look and feel their best. Need help keeping up with your pup’s routine hygiene care like brushing, bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning and more? Find a Scenter near you and try us out!


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